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Open access the game

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That's a short news game developed in Fiocruz, a brazilian research institution, the intent of the game is to promote the cause of the open access to articles. Please, consider check the official page of the game: http://www.icict.fiocruz.br/content/jogo-do-acesso-aberto Momentation: WASD or ArrowsStay in front of a research institution and press up arrow or W to try gain the article.

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That's a short news game developed in Fiocruz, a brazilian research institution, the intent of the game is to promote the cause of the open access to articles. Please, consider check the official page of the game: http://www.icict.fiocruz.br/content/jogo-do-acesso-aberto Momentation: WASD or ArrowsStay in front of a research institution and press up arrow or W to […]
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